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A Little Inspiration :)

For this week, since I've been struggling with motivation myself lately, I would like to give you a little inspirational speech via article. :)


I know you've had them. Those horrible thoughts of, "I'm never going to make it. My writing's never going to be good enough to be recognized."

Well, I just have a couple questions for you.

Do you love writing?

Are you going to keep writing for the forseeable future?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, then you're doing everything right.

Well, there is no right way to write. As long as you're producing a story, things are going okay. You don't need to take any special classes, but if you did, great! You don't need to share your work with anyone, but if you did, great!

Even if you've been doubting yourself lately, you have no reason to! You are not the worst author in the world, and your goal should not be to be the best. Your goal should be to become good enough to achieve your personal writing dreams!

So are you ready to achieve those? Are you ready to sacrifice blood, sweat, and tears for the better of your work?

I knew you were. Now, go get 'em!


I'm sorry this was so short and it fell a bit flat of what I had in mind. I really do believe in you, though, whoever you are.

I usually feel so confident with words, but my life has been in total chaos lately...things will calm down, though!

Please keep writing and I'll see you all next week :)

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