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Ghost Reading Isn't Smart

Ghost reader: Someone who reads a story, staying up to date with new chapters, but never comments or likes, hence appearing only as an anonymous read.

Now, I know what you're likely thinking: "She's a writer! Of course she wouldn't like ghost readers!" However, rather than write this article from the perspective of an author, I am instead going to open your eyes as to why, for readers themselves, ghost reading simply isn't smart.

I usually hear one of two things when I ask people why they don't vote for Wattpad stories they enjoy reading.

1. "You can't vote on a real book!"

2. "I don't feel the need to validate the writer."

Validation aside, when you're reading a story that you enjoy, being a ghost reader can be an unfortunate mistake! Here's why.

I personally often lose motivation for writing. I'm the kind of person who'll get geared up about a new project, write twenty pages over the course of three days, and then drop the project entirely. In fact, that was how I wrote for many years - but that'll be another blog post.

I have several books on Wattpad that I am currently writing because I am an ADDICT for new writing projects. Seriously. It's an issue.

That being said, I often lose motivation for those projects. And do you know what decides whether or not I should write another chapter this week?

Whether or not someone has voted on my last chapter.

I don't look at the number of reads my last chapter got because I instantly assume that if someone counted for a read but not a vote, they weren't interested in the story. Since I am continuing several of these stories for my audience alone, why would I write another chapter if this is the case?

Now let's say my chapter got five reads. (This is realistic - I'm not a popular Wattpader, okay?!) One of those people was me, checking a fact to use in a later chapter. Three of those reads were other Wattpad users who got disinterested in my story and left.

But the last read? That reader loved my story. They're dying to know what happens next.

And I never write another chapter - because I see that nobody's voted.

This is how stories peter out and eventually die - it's because people don't show their support for them. They act like they're not there.

And if your reasoning is "real books can't get votes!" you, my friend, are not incredibly intelligent.

Real books don't get votes because they're getting money, which is a sight more valuable than digital votes. And unless they're insanely popular and participating in the new ad revenue deal (and I'm pretty sure you have to be over eighteen to do so), Wattpad books get no money. Authors are taking time out of their often busy lives to give you free books! This also leads into the validation arguing - these people deserve to be validated if you enjoy their work.

Am I biased? Completely. Does that mean I'm incorrect? Not at all.

So remember - try not to ghost read. It takes a second to vote on a Wattpad book chapter. I think you can "waste" one valuable second from your day to make someone feel better about themselves and ensure that you'll get another chapter of your favorite online book.


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